domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

Blog 4 - Time travel to the Past

Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about a trip that I would like to take to the past, a past that began around 1760 and ended in the 1840s.

If I had to travel back in time, it would be a trip to the time of the industrial revolution. This is because I would be very interested in seeing how they begin to create new machines that will help human beings. As people who, without knowing, became a contribution to the next generations of human beings, who even help us to this day. I would also be interested to know how this affected the economy and the farmers. I would also like to see how the industrial revolution affected medicine and created new treatments and medicines unknows until that time.

I would be interested to see how it affected the creation of a new method of transportation such as the locomotive, which was probably a discovery that accelerated all the transportation processes of different materials. I would love to see people´s reaction to seeing a locomotive move for the first time.

If I had to say something about the industrial revolution, I think that if resources had been distributed more equititably, there probably would not be social differences as marked as the current ones. I think I would only like to visit this era since I find it crude and unsafe.

1 comentario:

  1. I would love to see the creativity and machines of that era, but I wouldn't want to have my lungs full of asbestos and charcoal.


Blog 5 - My favorite music

 Hello everyone, today I can talk about whatever I want I chose to talk about my favorite music, which is SKA. My taste for this musical sty...