domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 2 - The best Holidays

 Hi everyone!

Well, today I will talk about a very special day, a day that at first I would only go to the beach, but ended up surprising me. It all started in March this year, with my friends high school whom we call "Vieja" and "Vega" after a party they decide to stay at my house and the next day we went to a beach called "Quintay".

On the tour we saw a sign that said "Curacavi", a well know place in Chile for its gastronomic tradition and a tipical Chilean drink such as "chicha". When we got go to this place, we ate empanadas and traditional Chilean sweets, we also bought chicha to drink when we got to the beach.

Upon arrival we visited a place where we had been a few months ago, we began to remenber how much we shared and got to know each other. I think it was a very special day, where I expected very little but it was one of the best improvised holidays. We finally arrived home 2 days later, we slep in the vehicle we were in.

I think that more important than the place was being accompanied by my friends.

domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2023

Blog 1 - A country I would like to visit

 Hi, everyone

Well, a place that I would like to visit is Japan, since it is a country with a great visual culture, manga and great anime. I would like to live there to learn about its culture and visit the second hand shops. Another place I would like to visit is the Pokemon centers, to buy stuffed animals and clothes with different pokemons. I am very struck by the fact that it is an island.

Being in Japan, I would dedicate myself to looking for old video games and video gmae consoles exclusive to Japan, I would tru to ocllect all the catridges of the Zelda Video game saga.

An interesting place that I would like to visit is Aokigahara, a place that is associated with multiple suicides, there ir a forest with many trees where it is very difficult to find the corpses, I think it is a place with a great emotional charge.

Blog 5 - My favorite music

 Hello everyone, today I can talk about whatever I want I chose to talk about my favorite music, which is SKA. My taste for this musical sty...